facial and cranial 

Cranial Stone Medicine
(gua sha)

Cranial Stone Medicine is a therapeutic practice that involves using a specialized tool to perform Gua Sha techniques on the scalp and head. Gua Sha is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that involves scraping the skin with a smooth-edged tool to promote circulation, release tension, and encourage the body’s natural healing processes.

During Cranial Stone Medicine, Kerry applies gentle scraping motions to the scalp using a tool made of various materials, such as jade or rose quartz. The purpose is to stimulate blood flow, promote lymphatic drainage, and relieve tightness in the scalp and head muscles. This practice is believed to have both physical and energetic benefits, addressing both the physical tension in the head and the flow of Qi (energy) in the body.

Cranial Stone Medicine is often used as a complementary therapy to support relaxation, reduce headaches, alleviate stress, and promote overall well-being.

What You Need to Know

A holistic facial or cranial treatment goes beyond simple skincare and as the holistic approach views the body as a whole, interconnected system. Our aim through these treatments is to address the underlying causes of any imbalances which may be causing issues or symptoms.

Holistic facial or cranial treatments, will not only focus on improving your skin, alleviating headaches or other issues you may be experiencing. We also take into consideration your overall health, targeting physical, mental, and emotional aspects. As a holistic therapist, I incorporate a range of therapeutic techniques to support your mental and physical well-being.

Holistic facial treatments can also offer numerous benefits for your skin and mind. A holistic facial goes beyond the essential cleansing and moisturising routine. We use high-quality products, including my favourite TEMPLESPA range which is matched to your specific skin type and concerns.

Holistic facials incorporate facial reflexology, lymphatic drainage and acupressure techniques to improve blood circulation, reduce puffiness, and promote relaxation. My deluxe treatments also include stone medicine therapy and non-surgical facelift techniques.

Cranial treatments also support your overall well-being. Focusing on the skull and the connective tissues in the head and neck by gently manipulating these areas, we can release tension and promote alignment throughout your body. My clients have reported that cranial treatments have alleviated headaches, improved sleep quality, and enhanced cognitive function.

A facial or cranial treatment is a fantastic way to prioritise your self care routine. 

Qualified Therapist

Kerry holds a wide range of holistic therapies qualifications.

Advanced Techniques

Kerry is trained in a wide range of therapeutic techniques.

tailored to you

All facial and cranial treatments are tailored to your individual requirements.

self-care essential

Clients find this treatment beneficial for their self-care


Here are the most frequently asked questions about facial and cranial treatments. If you have any other questions do feel free to reach out via the contact page.

Holistic facials incorporate facial reflexology, lymphatic drainage and acupressure techniques to improve blood circulation, reduce puffiness, and promote relaxation. My deluxe treatments also include stone medicine therapy and non-surgical facelift techniques.

Facial and cranial treatments can provide numerous benefits, such as reducing stress and anxiety, relieving pain and tension, improving blood circulation, promoting better sleep, enhancing overall well-being, and supporting the body's natural healing abilities.

Facial and cranial treatments are suitable for all ages, from children to the elderly. It can benefit those seeking relaxation, stress relief, pain management, improved circulation, enhanced well-being, or support with specific health concerns. However, it is always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional if you have any underlying health conditions or concerns.

Wear comfortable clothing.  You will receive your treatment on a massage couch and will be draped throughout your treatment (with bolsters beneath your knees and ankles to support your lower back). 

For some treatments, I may need to work your neck, shoulders, and upper chest.   If this is the case (and you wear a bra) I will ask you to remove your bra or bra straps before I commence the treatment.  You will be fully draped throughout any upper chest work which may be included in your treatment.

If you wear a necklace, please remove it before your treatment.  If wearing earrings, it may be better to remove these before treatment as well. 

When you book your appointment, if you know which treatments you would like (e.g., a 55-min massage appointment and a 50-min reflexology appointment), you can book more than one treatment service together. 

Or, you can book the treatment of your choice PLUS add a ‘bolt on’ of between 5 and 55 min to suit your appointment duration needs/budget (see the BOLT ON section as you book).

All appointments are tailored to your treatment needs/aims.


/ 55 minutes

Longer treatment times are available, please add additional minutes of choice on booking. 

Treatment Includes

All facial treatments are tailored to your individual requirements.